I've gone from my goodnight saying to being totally freaked out that I'm going to wake up with a rash of bites and take those nasty bugs home with me. As a blogger who goes to a lot of events and does quite a bit of travel writing (as well as vacation travel), I'm now KEENLY aware of those little suckers. So much so, that I have a routine. I leave my suitcase out in the hall...go in to the room and lift the sheet off the bed and look in the upper and lower seam of the bed and around the tag. Luckily, I've only had ONE time that I saw them...and after screaming...I went back to the front desk and asked for a new room, which I checked the same way before accepting (although I stayed awake all night with the creepy crawlies just thinking about them).
Now I have a TOTALLY new routine. I still leave my bag in the hall, only now I enter ARMED AND READY. I pull back the sheet and spray the mattress with Pronto Plus Household Spray. I also spray around the headboard and footboard (if there is one), because I've since learned that those nasty inseccts can hide in the cracks & crevices of furniture, and more.
Better to be safe than sorry! I have to say, that I feel a lot more protected and the best part is that I have a small Travel Size of Pronto Plus, that I just keep in my suitcase and replace as needed. I don't know about you, but being covered with welts an scratching is NOT my idea of living the glamorous life. If you tink that it's just the dive hotels that have had bed bug infestations - take a look at the bed bug registry and you might be SHOCKED by what you find.
If you're going to be doing any traveling and will be staying in a hotel room, cruise or anywhere you're not sure of -- you might want to grab a can of Pronto Plus
just in case.
Pronto Plus Bedbugs & Dust Mite Killer is available for purchase on Amazon.com, Walgreens, Rite Aid and more.
I was sent a can of Pronto Plus for this review, all opinions are my own.
If you're going to be doing any traveling and will be staying in a hotel room, cruise or anywhere you're not sure of -- you might want to grab a can of Pronto Plus
Pronto Plus Bedbugs & Dust Mite Killer is available for purchase on Amazon.com, Walgreens, Rite Aid and more.
I was sent a can of Pronto Plus for this review, all opinions are my own.
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* This giveaway is open to US residents, 18 and over and ends on January 21, 2010 11:59 EST.


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Looked up the hotels..who..would have know the dirty little secrets hotels house...!
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Pick me please :)
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