a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner
Definition of Intention -
purpose: an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions
Just before Christmas I was visiting Lee & Paul of Coupledumb.com. They are not only great friends, but I value their advice (and not JUST because Lee is a therapist). I was talking about New Year's Resolutions, when Lee stopped me mid-sentence and corrected me...using the work INTENTION rather than Resolution. A day later (sometimes it takes me a while to get things), I realized how right she was. All of my past "resolutions" failed. Why? Because a resolution is only a decision - not the action. When I've had the intention - for me it meant that I'd already got the wheels in motion. This is my FIRST New Year's Intention...
This month brings reviews of quite a few "diet" books. I enjoy reading them, but for the most part I find them to be more motivational than practical. You'll see more in the coming weeks. But, what I'm actually DOING is another story.
I've been CHALLENGED by Lean Cuisine and Skinny Cow to make lifestyle changes that will last a lifetime and it all starts with the first #31Days. In reality, like any journey - it begins with the FIRST STEP.
I'd love it if you'd join me and take charge of your life, making the changes that you want to. If your intention is to lose weight, get fit or make healthy choices - please comment and we'll help each other through this journey.
I've also been reading The 4-Hour Body
Do I Really Look Like that in Underwear?
Do I Really Eat That?
I took a look at WHAT I'd been eating. Not just thinking about it, but I took PHOTOS. Another Reality Check...look at what I've been munching on while posting Champagne Living - EVERY DAY LAST WEEK. That's right - soda and Hershey's kisses.
Who Can I Get to Do this With?
Luckily Collective Bias, Lean Cuisine and Skinny Cow have put together a team of 11 of us, so I have a healthy competition going on (for me competition fuels the fire). Who do YOU have to do this with?
How Do I Measure Up?
I'm using TWO factors, my measurements and the scale. I took my arm, waist, hip & leg measurements and added them together (since if we're exercising we'll be building muscle and the loss may not show on the scale). But just to shock myself - I took this...
What is the SMALLEST most MEANINGFUL change that I can make?
Mine is to not cook - and enjoy having Lean Cuisine do the cooking for me. Another change might be just having breakfast - because eating in the morning will reduce cravings at night. What's your small yet meaningful step?
I'll be updating over the next #31days at least once a week.
I was compensated by Collective Bias for this post - it was JUST the push I needed to get started. All opinions are my own.


That is awesome Zippy!! You don't by the way look bad at all!! I am so excited to be working with you on this campaign... we are going to get in shape together... virtually! lol
Zippy, I think you are gorgeous any which way- inner light/outer beauty! Glad to be joining you on this journey and so excited to see you later this month. I'll even bring a bathing suit.
Awww - I'm so glad that we have this great support team as we go forward.
You go girl! I love Lee's word: intention. I usually fail as well. I am going to be following your progres because I need motivation! Good luck!
Wanna be buddies Caro? That will help keep you accountable.
You are just adorable...
the chocolates and pepsi were my downfalls this winter break. Plus hubby bringing home my worst one (Fraps) everyday didn't help. But now with this challenge everyone is helping mom out. Hopefully you have some great support at home.Can't wait to see your intention become a reality.
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