Sunday, February 3, 2008

Welcome to Champagne Living

With everyone worried about the economy these days, Champagne Living provides concrete techniques for Living Rich on the income you already have. From buying a car at wholesale to dining out at "hot" restaurants at a discount, Champagne Living's readers know that they don't have to sacrifice the good life even in a bad economy. For people looking for work at home jobs, or starting their own business we have leads, if you're looking on going on vacation and paying just a FRACTION of what your fellow travelers paid - you'll find THAT at Champagne Living as well. From style to freebies to sweepstakes and free dining, Champagne Living is the one place on the web that brings all of the information to help you live a FABULOUS lifestyle for less.

My husband and I live on a fixed income, yet through the techniques that I've developed we're able to maintain an enviable lifestyle. We live in an exclusive gated community in Florida, own 2 cars that are paid in full, travel extensively and have a very eventful social life. We dine out at high end restaurants and they cost us a fraction of what everyone else pays. And, we often dine out for FREE. I go to the movies for free, take in theatre at a deep discount and really enjoy life to the fullest! You may have seen me in a box at the finish line at the Kentucky Derby last year or schmoozing with the cast of Sex and the City at the premiere and after-party.

Champagne Living teaches the tricks and techniques that I use to Live Rich on Less! I do this by offering opportunities for travel, dining out, attending theatre and enhancing your lifestyle in ways that can help you live beyond your means without spending more.

Navigating around Champagne Living is quite easy. You'll find tabs across the top of the page that will lead you to ~

  • Social Butterfly - Ready for a night out on the town? How about a hot Broadway show? Want to find out how to have dinner in that trendy new restaurant at a discount? Looking to dine out for FREE? Is it Charity Ball season already? Your social life will never be the same. Discount dining, tickets, free movies, and more.
  • Silver Platter - At Champagne Living we believe in handing you things on a silver platter, because YOU DESERVE IT. So, you'll find freebies, great deals and sweepstakes that you can use to enhance your lifestyle.
  • The Gossip - You'll find the buzz about great new products as well as old favorites. This is the place where the staff and guest writers at Champagne Living speak their mind about anything and everything.
  • World Tour - The staff at Champagne Living are avid travelers and always on the hunt for the next great travel deal. Be treated like a VIP, get upgrades, etc. We know there are times that you can't get away, so you'll find plenty of armchair travel and reviews as well.
  • The Mansion - No castles in the sand here. You'll find real ways to find and afford your mansion. Already there? Tips and tricks for decorating and making those expansive rooms feel cozy and warm.
Contact Me Via:


TWITTER - @zipporahs

FACEBOOK - Champagne Living

  - E-Mail or RSS Feed

If you would like to advertise, have your product reviewed,or sponsor a giveaway, please contact me with your pitch at

Advertisers and projects we have worked with include:

  • Awakenings Mineral Therapies for Healthy Skin
  • Oreck
  • Shabby Apple
  • Disney, Fox, History Channel, etc.
  • Seagate Technologies
  • Hachette Book Group, Harper-Collins, Simon & Schuster
  • The Travel Channel ~ No Reservation, Samantha Brown, etc.
  • MomCentral BlogRoll
  • Ryan Seacrest Productions
  • TJ Maxx/Marshall's
  • Pepsi/Aquafina
  • Various charities
  • H&M
  • Lancer Dermatology
  • Old Navy
  • and more...



Interviews, Press and PR inquiries and requests ~
via e-mail -@-



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