Friday, January 7, 2011

Brrrr....feeling the Frost here in Florida

No, not outside silly - in my mouth. 

One of the things that keep me on track while on my #31Days Lean 11 Challenge is to make sure that I have lots of flavor and something sweet when I need it. I've taken to popping the new sugar free Ice Breakers Frost mints.

They're made with xylitol - so you don't have to worry about calories (less than 5 calories each and you only need ONE) and they have VERY intense flavor. So, when I get cravings for something "good", one of these just does the trick for me.  Of course they're a breath mint and I'm sure that those around me appreciate that I'm using them, especially since dieting sometimes makes you have nasty breath.

They come in both peppermint and wintergreen. Me? I totally love the peppermint, it's one of those flavors that I go to when I have cravings (yes, it's replaced my York Peppermint Patty and Kisses that I was addicted to before going on this new program) and the flavor lasts for a long time too.

You'll find them at drugstores and at the checkout at grocery stores and you can "like" them on Facebook for more information. STAY COOL!

Thank you to Hershey's for providing some Ice Breakers Frost for me to sample while doing this review. All opinions are my own (yes, I'm sitting here typing with one in my mouth RIGHT NOW).


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foamfan said...

I love the Ice Breakers; except when I get clumsy in the car and drop one somewhere between the seats. Maybe I should stick to enjoying them indoors, only!

Zippy said...

OMG - I do that too. One of these days I'm going to go on a treasure hunt between the seats. All of the mints, coins and of course the lists that I couldn't find once I got into the grocery store will all be there.

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