Mostly - I'd like to thank Collective Bias for allowing me to participate in the #31Days campaign with Lean Cuisine and Skinny Cow, because I'm feeling GREAT!
I wrote this as a result of being an influencer in the #31Days campaign. I was compensated by Collective Bias, however as you can see by the results - all opinions are MINE!
loved the video and great loss there. :) Congrats!
I love it!! So fun! You are doing awesome!!
So great, Zippy! Can't wait to see you next week!
Great job, Zippy! Keep it up... err, down. I'm maintaining my weight but my friend said she can see a change in my face. She promised me that since I'm working out more, I'm gaining muscle while losing fat. :)
Great Job! Your video made me want to go find skinny cow in my stores. i dont remember seeing them before!
Amy - the Skinny Cow's are awesome. The Truffles are only 100 calories and if you're on weight watchers they're only 2 points. They're GOOD and they're HUGE, which when you're watching your intake is great.
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