Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Black Friday - what's a girl to do?

I was reading Aly Walansky's post over at Chic Gloss today about making a Black Friday plan, just to see what my friend and one of my favorite fashion writers was going to be doing on the day after Thanksgiving. If you don't know Aly - just think Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City...that's her life. I totally cannot picture her standing in line to buy a socket wrench, if you know what I mean.

It got me thinking that.I don't have a plan for the day after Thanksgiving.  Of course, you probably won't see me standing in line for that socket wrench or the velour warm-up suit either. Still, there's NOTHING LIKE A BARGAIN, and no matter WHO you are, or how much MONEY you have - you've got to admire someone who gets a good deal.

I'm a very social person (...and the girlfriends say "DUH"). Still, the thought of being crammed into a store with people who've just spent the night sleeping on the sidewalk (no shower, unbrushed teeth) that are ready to mow you down to save $5.00 (or even $25) is not my idea of fun.

So, I've made my Black Friday list and thought I'd share it with you.

1. Sleep late - hey, if I don't have to go out, I might as well indulge in a little relaxation.
2. Have a coffee & croissant and see what the news people have to say about all of the crazy shoppers.
3. It's Friday, so I may step out and get a mani/pedi. While I'm there..maybe I'll pick up a gift certificate to give as a gift.
4. Run to Starbucks and have a gingerbread latte. Think I'll pick up a few gift certificates again (a few gifts DONE and I haven't even walked into a store).
5. Come home & spend time with YOU here at Champagne Living, twitter and facebook.
6. Rummage through the fridge and see what I can create out of all of the leftovers.
7 .Maybe after that I'll start on my "list."

You see, I'm just not a Black Friday kind of girl. Cyber Monday? That's another story.....

What's YOUR plan?


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