Here are 5 ways that we tend to sabotage one of the most important relationships in our life by Practitioner and Certified Financial Planner Julie Casserly
1. Women put the needs of others before their own by purchasing un-necessary “just-because” items for a child or significant other.
2. Women tend to spend in order to “keep up with the Jones’” and rationalize expensive jewelry or luxury cars as purchases necessary to maintain status in their social circles.
3. Women convince themselves that a splurge purchase is a deserved special treat, but this may often come at the expense of the chance to fulfill a deeper and greater goal.
4. Women focus on what their critics say, creating a habit of ignoring their own desires and make purchases in order to feel accepted by a larger group.
5. Perhaps the biggest way women sabotage their finances is through ignoring their passions for the sake of taking care of the “necessities.”
Julie Casserly suggests that women take time out of their day to focus on what their most important needs are and develop a plan with steps towards fulfilling these needs. For more information, check out


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