Monday, April 13, 2009

Bonjour Mes Amis

Can I tell you a secret? You have to promise not to tell ANYONE though. Good, I trust you and I know that you won't leak my secret.

As you know I consider Paris my second home. I spent some time there when I was much younger and try to return as often as possible. My goal is to once again live there, even if it's only for part of each year. Lately, I've been traveling with my brother and his partner. BUT - it's like CHEATING for me.

WHY? Because my brother is completely fluent in French (and Spanish), while I have let my language skills slip away. It's like the baby who learns to talk LATE, because they have an older sibling that speaks for them. This is what has happened to me with my command of the French language. When we travel, I let him do all of the speaking (except for short conversations with shopkeepers, waiters and asking directions when I'm on my own).

I have plenty of books, CD's etc., but I always seem to put off using them. Or I don't get through a whole CD & then I put it in & start from the beginning once again....never getting past the first few lessons.

So, I was very excited to find à la parisienne's Une ville romantique...Un style romantique blog today. She is a former French teacher who has instituted French Lesson Fridays on her blog. With a basic lesson for beginners and intermediate/advanced addition to each lesson, I'll be able to slowly increase my skills. Because there is no audio involved, the lessons are supposed to increase your reading and writing. Thankfully, I spoke the language at one time, so I'm hoping that my language skills will begin to return with these lessons.

If you have been looking for an EASY way to learn French, that only takes a short time on Friday's. Check out à la parisienne for yourself if you've been meaning to apprendre à parler du français.


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à la parisienne said...

Merci d'avoir partagé French Lesson Fridays avec vos amis! J'éspère que vous retrouviez votre français par mes leçons. Bonne journée et à la prochaine!

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