Friday, February 11, 2011

The primer - living a passionate life

By living your life with PASSION, the outcome will be a much more rewarding life, and THAT is one of the important cornerstones of the Champagne Living style of living.

Have you ever noticed that when you really love what you're doing, that you get immense enjoyment from even the most difficult tasks?  Living your life with passion, not only for the people that you love, but your work, your community and even your home can bring an incredible sense of satisfaction.

  • Do you still have that passion?
  • What's keeping you from living your life with incredible gusto?
  • Do you take the time EVERY day to think about your dreams and goals?

If not ~
What's holding you back?

When is the LAST time that you dug into a project with incredible drive?

Remember that notebook you started last week with your dreams? Well, it's time to get passionate about those dreams.

Take out that notebook again and look at what you wrote. What items are you truly passionate about?
  • Take a look at HOW you spend most of your day.
  • What can you do to ignite some passion into your day?
  • How would you live TODAY if you knew it was your LAST day?
It's a deep sense of caring that allows us to live what we really love. Passion allows us to be creative, to take risks, and overcome the negative. Why just go through the motions when you can take that leap and create a more fulfilling life.

Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.


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