Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What I want in my stocking this year - Borghese and....

OK, so I don't have a stocking (do pantyhose count?). But if I DID have one, I know what I'd want in it.

1. Diamonds (notice the "S" on the end)
2. A GREAT bottle of wine (prefer the bubbly)
3. Luxury skin care & cosmetics (Borghese please)

While Mr. S would probably pass on the diamonds, I know he'll agree on the wine and Borghese....both as a gift for ME and for HIM. FOR HIM? I'm not supposed to tell anyone, so you have to PROMISE to keep it to yourself...pinky swear. Mr. S uses my skin care products. His favorites are mud masks. He used to STEAL MINE. I couldn't figure out how I could use so much in such a little amount of time....until I CAUGHT HIM. So now, I just buy them for him for gifts and I don't mention a thing about them. It's unstated rule....shhhhh....

Here are some of my Borghese FAVORITES

Borghese Fango Restorativo- a restorative HYDRATING mud mask for both your face AND your body ($33.50 - 7 oz or $61 - 17.6 oz). The packaging on this product makes it great for giving to either a woman or a man. He prefers his mask to come in a tube and I like the jar. This way we know who's mask belongs to whom.

What it does
  • Helps protect against environmental damage, reduces redness and fights against inflammation of the skin.
  • Acqua di Vita® Complex - to hydrate and energize skin
  • Tahitian Sea Water - to nourish and replenish the skin with vital marine nutrients
  • Murumuru Butter - to soften and smooth the skin while enhancing elasticity
  • Kaolin - to clear and purify pores
I used it just this morning and I loved how it tingled just enough to let me know that it was working. Once I rinsed it off, my skin felt (and looked) so much softer and BRIGHTER. I have very dull looking skin (from age) and I LOVE products that make my skin, this is a keeper. It's concentrated minerals and micronutrients replenish and re-mineralize dull, depleted skin. It softens, smoothes and enhances elasticity of the skin for a younger, healthier, more luminous complexion.

Oh and ONE MORE THING..since you'll probably be hitting the cosmetic counter getting ready for your New Year's Eve celebraton and you'll be picking up some Fango Restorative - check out Borghese's "Superiore" mascara ($19).It's infused with a built-in, silk-powder foundation for long wear, while it conditions your lashes. It's fiber based, which is a MUST for ME because it means that my under-eye circles don't end up looking any darker than they do naturally. For a little FUN - why not try the plum or bronze colors. Of course, you can always pick it up in the traditional black or brown...but, it's fun to step out of the box a little for the holidays.

Don't forget those last minute gifts for friends, loved-ones and MOST OF ALL - yourself. Hey, who knows what you want more than YOU? I ALWAYS buy myself a little something for the holidays...and this year is NO different.

I received product for this review, all opinions are strictly my own.


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kasandria said...

First off your adorable. Second I won some of that Borghese Fango Restorativo from a contest a few months ago and LOVE it!

Zippy said...

So do I!!! Doesn't your skin feel baby soft as soon as you rinse it off? I do look good with green goop on my face don't I? Wonder if I can send the pics to George Clooney...I know he'd fall for me the minute he saw them.

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