Monday, January 19, 2009

Feeling Rich - Mentioning the unmentionables

No matter how great you may look when you get all dressed up in your classic finery there’s nothing as bad as knowing that underneath it all you’ve got on a pair of granny panties and a tattered-ill fitting bra. The opposite rings true as well. There are jeans and T-shirt days that feel all the better knowing your sexiest lingerie is what’s hiding beneath your simplest of outfits.

No matter how old you are, or what your size - we all have days that we like feeling a little sexy. OK, I’m going to divulge a secret here. I LOVE LINGERIE. I love to know that even though my belly is a little too big, that I have “girlie” stuff on under my clothes.

The French have always been conscious of what they were wearing under their clothes. I have a sneaking suspicion that it’s one of the ways that they stay so thin. It’s a constant REMINDER to make choices that matter. Did you know that there are as many lingerie shops in Paris as there are patisseries?

Are you thinking what I’m thinking? There’s a book in there somewhere. The Lingerie Diet. I’m thinking BESTSELLER list. All you have to do is buy the tiniest, sexiest panties and lace push-up bras. WOW, that’s easy. There’ll be no counting calories, no carbs or sugars to keep track of, just a constant reminder beneath your clothes that you should eat less, because your lingerie likes it that way.

By the way, although I’m NOT a Victoria’s Secret fan (don’t care for the quality), if you are they’re having a pretty good sale right now with lingerie up to 80% off. I am a HUGE Chantal Thomass fan and she did a line for them a VERY long time ago – sigh….

Yes, I’m going to continue to wear my lacy lingerie underneath it all. It makes me feel young and beautiful and most of all SEXY


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