Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Champagne Living Primer

I get a lot of comments here, on facebook and twitter, all telling me how "lucky" I am to be living the Champagne Life. They see me traveling around the world, spending time with interesting people, having experiences, and living without reservations. The truth is that LUCK has nothing to do with any of it. I designed my life a particular way and I am not satisfied to sit back and wait to life to come to me.

Whatever I've been able to do, I've done myself. I know that it looks like things just plop into my lap, but believe me they don't. I'm not satisfied sitting and watching as others explore, create and live, hoping and wishing that once day it might be me. NO! 

The reason that I first started Champagne Living was to share my secrets. Oh yes, if you go back into the archive you'll find tips and tricks, but what about the PLAN that I use to create this life? You deserve to live the good life as much as I do. So....let's start at the beginning.

DECIDE just what it is that you want. You can't create the life you want unless you KNOW WHAT IT IS.Take out a pad and paper and write down EXACTLY what the good life means to you. Don't even think about your past (it's behind you), don't worry about money (you'll learn that it's not always money that gets you what you want), keep those negative thoughts out of your head...this is the time to think about how you want to live your life. Remember that you CHOOSE your path, and you CHOOSE how you FEEL about your life.

I keep journals. I write down what I want, how I'll get there, I include anything in my journals that support my intentions to make my life better. If you want to live a the life you've always dreamed of...first you have to figure out WHAT that means to you.

This will be the BEGINNING of your roadmap to Champagne Living.

"A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write if he is ultimately to be at peace with himself. What one can be, one must be" - Abraham Maslow


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Ms D said...

I really need to start writing down my hopes and dreams and act out on them. Life is too short! Great post ;)

Zippy said...

I'll be doing this weekly...taking you through the process from writing them down to making them HAPPEN. Including very specific things that I do to create the life that I live.

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