Thursday, January 27, 2011

Why am I overpacking?

As a blogger who travels frequently, both on press trips as well as my own gallivanting, I thought that I had perfected the art of packing light. If I'll be visiting a place for four days or less, a carry-on usually suffices. If I'm staying a week, I generally go for a single checked bag (and there's always enough room for me to bring home all of the goodies that I buy at my destination).

Then why am I OVERPACKING for this weekend in Duluth? I'm leaving on Friday morning (tomorrow) and will be returning on Sunday. Realistically, I should need 2 changes of clothes at the MOST (jeans can be worn on the return trip) so really one pair of pants, 2 shirts, something to sleep in and unmentionables should be all that I'll need.

Well...I'll be traveling from South Florida to the freezing cold weather in Duluth, MN to witness the Vaseline Dry Skin Patrol take part in the Beargrease Dog Sled Marathon. I'm guessing that means 4 or 5 hours out in the cold weather. Mind you, I had no appropriate clothes (thanks to Broad "A" from The Review Broads for sending some great warm clothes) and it has been a long time since I've seen weather less than 60 degrees.

I figure that I'm going to look like a tourist...I'll be bundled up like the Michelin Man. So, for the FIRST TIME in many years...I'm okay with over packing. Considering the fact that I'll be getting to learn how Vaseline Intensive Rescue can keep my skin soft even in EXTREME conditions, and get to watch those amazing mushers with blue-eyed huskies pulling their sleds, I'd say it's worth it.

I was contemplating today what these bloggers who've put themselves into extreme conditions (the Philadelphia marathon, skiing at the Aspen Winternational, the polar bear plunge at Coney Island, and now they're learning to dog sled) have been through. Faced with conditions that are TOUGH on their skin, they've counted on Vaseline Intensive Rescue to keep their skin soft, when others were getting chapped skin.

I hope you come with me via twitter (follow the hashtag #dryskinpatrol) and my blog posts and photos as I join
  1. Michelle of The Adventures of a Supermom
  2. Kailani of An Island Life
  3. Kari of A Giveaway Addicted Mommy

as they mush their way through the cold Duluth weather.

To win your OWN vacation to one of the spots on the Vaseline Dry Skin Tour and to follow along go to the Vaseline Facebook page.

I'll be attending the Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon as a guest of Vaseline Intensive Rescue, however all opinions are strictly my own.


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Ms D said...

I always over pack too! Have fun and take lots of pictures :)

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