I fell off the wagon earlier in the week and I spent some time running after it. Thankfully, I was able to hop back on. It's called being human.


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That is great that you are writing it down. It helps me to be more accountable when I do that. You are just a little bit of nothing... 16 weight watcher points! lol
I want to be a little bit of nothing...now, I'm a little bit of something
I do believe we fell out of that wagon together! Surprisingly, I managed to stay at the same weight after eating about a ton of fish in Florida. So no loss but no gain, either. I'm cool with that. And I got my creme brulee!
And I got to taste some of your creme brulee (and eat a ton of sweet potatoes french fries, calamari, etc.).
I think the hardest thing is losing the weight and gaining it back. But as long as you can get right back on there and continue forward is good. I love the diary, I keep track of mine online (www.myfitnesspal.com) which has a great support group. Keep doing what you are doing. Sounds like you've got it all figured out. :) You are doing great.
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