- Did hubby think he was being helpful when he bought you a Bass Pro Gift card, but you'd rather be shopping at Bloomies?
- Receive a gift card to your favorite store in Austin, but you live in Boston?
- Get an iTunes gift card, but you listen on a Sandisk Sansa?
While it's the thought that counts, wouldn't you like to be able to swap those gift cards for ones that you'd really use? Rather than hold on to them and let them go to waste, or regift for birthdays, why not SWAP or SELL your cards and get what you REALLY want. Don't forget to check these sites BEFORE you go shopping as well, you could get yourself a nice discount on those new Louboutins.
Card Woo - Buy or Sell gift cards. You simply download a mailing from the site and mail in your unused gift cards. If you'd like something a little more secure, fill out a form on their site to request a free, insured pack. In a few days you will receive a pack in the mail for sending in all your unwanted gift cards. Simply send them back using the postage-paid, pre-addressed envelope.
Gift Card Rescue- Another site which allows you to buy and sell unused gift cards, the average discount you'll take or get is 10%. They will also allow you to swap your unwanted cards for an Amazon.com credit that NEVER expires. The great thing about Amazon.com credit is that you can buy most everything and even qualify for free shipping on some items.
Plastic Jungle - This buy/sell, exchange site offers LOTS of options that include buying & selling, exchanging, getting paid by check or paypal or Amazon.com credit. Free shipping and no fees make this a great option and they pay up to 92% of the value of your unwanted cards.


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