Thursday, December 2, 2010

Top 10 Holiday Vacation Destinations

As I get ready to hop into the limo to the port for our quick trip to the Bahamas on Royal Caribbean's Freedom of the Seas today, I realized that a LOT of people vacation on or around the holidays.

According to Tripology, by Rand McNalley - these are the top 10 destinations for holiday travel.

How many have you visited?

  1. Las Vegas
  2. Orlando
  3. Honolulu
  4. New York City
  5. Ft. Lauderdale
  6. Dallas
  7. Miami
  8. San Francisco
  9. Maui
  10. Los Angeles

I'm amazed that there are very FEW that I haven't visited. One (or 2) being Hawaii (Maui or Honolulu), and the other being Dallas (except for the RIDICULOUS airport, which I try to avoid at all cost).

So....where are YOU  headed this holiday season?


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Ingrid said...

I have visited all but Honolulu and Maui. Just got back from Los Angeles and plan to stay home for the Christmas holidays. Have a great time on your cruise!

Zippy said...

Thanks Ingrid. I think we need to make a bucket list of Travel destinations! Hope you had a GRAND time in L.A. How was the weather?

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