One of the things that I remember most about the COLD winter months when I was living up north were the evenings that I spent curled up in front of the wood stove either reading or watching TV. It got dark very early and I always hated going outside in the cold evenings. Even here in Florida, I like to cuddle up in front of the TV set and watch some of my favorite shows, especially during the week.
I've been doing quite a bit of channel surfing lately, and it seems that there are SO many repeats on. It used to be that summer was reserved for reruns of our favorite shows. I don't know if it was because of the Writer's Strike last year or the networks changing things around, but reruns in Winter are NOT GOOD.
So, I got VERY excited when I found out that SHOWTIME is offering a $25.00 REBATE right now for new service. The only KICKER is that you have to order the service before the end of December - 12/31/08. Just remember to save your first 3 months of cable bills (1/1/09-3/31/09) in order to send them in. That's just in time for nicer weather. I figure, that I can cancel the service after that.
I called my local cable company (with whom I have service) and found that they were running a 3-month special on Showtime for only $6.95 per month. So, for the 3 months, I'll only pay $20.85 + tax. For me that's FREE. You'll have to call your cable company to see if they're running any specials as well. FREE SHOWTIME is definitely one way to Live Rich.
REBATE - for ALL of the details.
I'm looking forward to watching -


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